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How to Contact YouTube Support

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* Contact Methods * Tips for Getting Help

Contacting YouTube Support

Contacting YouTube support can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some methods you can try:

Contact Methods

Twitter: You can reach YouTube support on Twitter by sending a direct message to TeamYouTube in English or German. Please include a detailed description of your issue and your YouTube channel URL.

Google Support Forum: You can post questions and seek help from other users and YouTube experts on the Google Support Forum.

Email for Business Inquiries: If you have a business-related inquiry, you can send an email to

Tips for Getting Help

Be clear and concise: Describe your issue in as much detail as possible, including any relevant error messages or screenshots.

Provide your YouTube URL: Include the URL of your YouTube channel or the video you're experiencing issues with.

Be patient: It may take some time before you receive a response from YouTube support.

Follow the instructions: If you're provided with a solution, follow the instructions carefully to troubleshoot the issue.

Note: YouTube support is not available over the phone or chat.

Remember to consult the YouTube Help Center for additional resources and self-help options.
